Member Services

我们的使命是帮助雇主提高他们的健康价值, 我们试图衡量创新健康福利工具和战略的影响,以便提出解决方案,支持雇主管理其人口健康并降低这些福利的成本.

Kansas Business Group on Health - Collaborative Initiatives

Collaborative Initiatives

Lowering prescription costs

由于处方费用持续上涨,雇主常常感到无助. 正规澳门赌场app与合作伙伴合作,在不将成本转嫁给员工的情况下提供降低药房成本的选择, 同时提高员工的健康状况和整体满意度.

Kansas Business Group on Health - Long-Term Strategic Initiatives

Long-Term Strategic Initiatives

Empowering employers through collective impact

It is often difficult, particularly for small employers, to know how to create and negotiate health plan benefit design. 正规澳门赌场app为会员提供工具,使他们能够实现最佳的福利设计. Using our position as a coalition of businesses, 正规澳门赌场app利用我们成员的集体声音来影响总体问题和需求,以降低医疗成本.

Member Resources


Employers’ Choice Rx (ECRx)

药品成本即使不是医疗支出的最大驱动因素,也往往是其中之一. 自2011年以来,药房福利管理(PBM)一直以一种简单的方法打破现状,控制药房成本:为患者提供合适的药物,以尽可能低的价格管理他们的健康,以获得最佳的患者结果.

ECRx是一个完全透明的PBM,专注于为雇主提供最低的药物净成本, 同时也减少了患者(员工)的自付费用.

Features of ECRx include:

  • More focus on lowest net cost rather than rebates
  • 行政费用是唯一的收入来源,而且是完全公开的
  • All contract terms are fully auditable and transparent
  • Total control of formulary and plan design


Read success stories.

Health Literacy


Consider this:

教育您的员工如何成为更明智的医疗保健消费者,可能会为您作为雇主节省大量资金, 但是,你如何教员工这些技能,让他们真正参与并记住这些信息呢?

Quizzify通过将科学支持的健康素养信息融入有趣、 Jeopardy!-style format proven to engage participants. Benefits of Quizzify include:

  • 所有内容的准确性由哈佛医学院的医生审查.
  • 员工超过1000人的雇主100%的储蓄保证.
  • 正规澳门赌场app members receive a 10% on all Quizzify services.

Just Plain Clear ®

UnitedHealth Group’s free, 获奖词汇表是您了解医疗保健和健康保险术语的首选来源. It includes thousands of terms defined in plain, clear language and in English, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese. And it also includes the Term of the Week, the monthly Top 5 Terms, 统一词汇表(联邦政府制定的卫生保健术语清单).

Chronic Disease

Diabetes Prevention Program

糖尿病不仅会影响一个人的生活质量,而且治疗费用也很高. Someone living with diabetes typically incurs $12,每年的医疗费用比没有糖尿病的人多出1000美元. By helping your employees avoid or delay the onset of diabetes, you not only improve their quality of life, but you both save money.

国家糖尿病预防计划已被证明可以将糖尿病前期患者患糖尿病的风险降低58%. Click the links below to take a free online risk screener, and to find available DPPs across the state.

Diabetes Self-Management Education & Support


Diabetes Self-Management Education & 支持是一项由糖尿病专家提供的临床项目,旨在帮助患者学习如何管理他们的糖尿病.


Health Insurance

STAR Captive

选择自保你的员工福利有很多好处, such as having more plan design flexibility, increased opportunity for savings, and more access to your data. However, without a financial backstop to protect your financial risk, moving from fully-insured to self-insured can be daunting. 如果有一种方法可以享受自我保险的好处呢, without having to bear all of the financial risk yourself?

We are now offering STAR, an employee benefits captive. By joining STAR, 雇主可以与其他志同道合的雇主共同分担风险,专注于降低医疗成本,同时降低财务风险. This is done through intelligent benefit design, helping employees improve their health, and coordinating their care. Learn more about STAR by clicking the links below.

Overview of the STAR Captive

Fully-insured vs Self-insured

What is a level-funded plan?

Watch the entire presentation

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